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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Genius Accident Dog

It doesn't happen very often, that some genius materializes some perfect notion. Such ideas are life changing, the very direction of history often hinges itself on such genius. It can be anything, we can all think of dozens of examples; the wheel, the plough, paper, refrigeration, radio, I won't go on.

No, it can't be wine or soap because those things weren't conceived for their purpose - there's some accidental quality about them. The dude who invented wine wasn't thinking, I want to taste a liquid that smells and tastes of the earth around me and if I consume enough possesses me with the power of the universe. No, he crushed some grapes like he did with everything he could get his hands on, left some in a corner he forgot about and drank it a couple months later. The community crusher soon became the town drunk and his real genius was wanting to turn everything around him into liquid - the rest was the spirits gift (npi).

The kind of thing I'm talking about, such as the radio, perform as conceived - no accident. The women watching those idiots carrying logs from the back to the front of the line so they could roll their fishing boat down the beach, was tired of waiting for someone to haul in the nets. So she shared her plan for the wheel. Oh no, it was no accident, she wanted to get things moving faster and free up the liquid makers time.

How many times did van Gogh paint those sunflowers? That was no accident, he knew what he was trying to convey and didn't quit until he achieved it and he was nuts. Which brings up another question, for another time.

La Linea, was no accident. Maybe I blew it up a bit with talk of the wheel but think about it... This dude, Osvaldo Cavandoli, materialized genius with a perfect, simple notion. Three minute entertainment, that can be broadcast in any country, to any demographic, at any time and produced for very little money. La Linea speaks a universal language and tells a story that everyone loves. Who doesn't have three minutes to laugh?

If you follow these rules to make a television program I wonder what would happen? Is that how Gags came to be, check out this driving dog, hard to argue with that!

Yup, this all hinges on a driving dog.

La Linea, Osvaldo Cavandoli.


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

XTC Sanford God

Great band, great song. This live clip isn't bad but there are much better quality recordings out there. This clip begs the question, what happened to some instruments and a good idea?
There is so much culture in today's counter-culture, you can't recognise it from the brand names. Betraying their songs lyrics, XTC have nothing to sell here.

Paper and Iron

Sanford on the other hand, has shit loads to sell, if you're buy'n?
We're such bigots today, as if not saying it makes us better. Repeat after me Y - T, now say it fast YT, YT, YT!

Sanford and Son

One of this weeks big news items asked, are liberals and atheists smarter? The answer seems pretty obvious given the question and subject matter. I wonder what Sanford would say of that, probably something like, sure they're smarter, they can be anything they like as long as they pay for it on the way out!

My understanding is that basically since the 60's academics have agreed, IQ tests were only a marker of your socio-economic status. In that case maybe the headlines should read, rich educated people don't believe in God.
Leaving me with the ammo for yet another Sanford style comment, something about why rich people don't believe in God - you follow?