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Friday, February 19, 2010

Wine Olympic French Tiger

My friend Holly has a cool blog about wine called, wine out loud. If you're like me and don't know a thing about wine but love to drink it, this is a great guide. This way you have a real wine steward to sort you out. What? You can't smell anything or at least as it relates to the wine your pouring down your throat. Holly spells it all out for you so you can just show up to your party, open your bottle and start showing off.

Please accept this as my first blog, actually second but the first doesn't really count.

There is one more week of the Winter Olympics in Vancouver, I'm obsessed with it. Even though I am Canadian I think this Olympics is shit. Some kind of commercial winter country club party. It reminds me of old fashioned zoo's where the animals were locked in cages easily seen by passers by. In this case the Olympians are the animals and the wealthy crackers are the real event. Crappy venues, great party.

oops that underline sucks - can't figure out how to un-link, so it stays. check out the article though. Hey I figured it out all you have to do is highlight, press the link button and link nothing instead of your link.

Not enough French at the Olympics you say, what is this the 70's? Cut off the dead weight before we all drown. Who cares anymore? These dinosaurs are trying to get something started again, what a non issue. This is smoke and mirrors and we fall for it every time - Nations and language are a non-issue, time to grow up and face the world. Morons, French and English.

Oh boy Tiger Woods, play golf, you're human and a savage one at that. Just like the rest of us. Idiot.


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